Máster en Diseño - Innovación, Estrategia y Producto - Máster de 1º Nivel

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Nadia Bacco

Nadia Bacco

Máster en Diseño - Innovación, Estrategia y Producto - Máster de 1º Nivel

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Master in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - 1st Level Master Degree es dictado por IED en su sede en Milán, Italia.
  • Número de horas
    El programa se desarrolla en un año.
  • Titulación oficial
    Los egresados adquirirán el título oficial de máster.
  • Valoración del programa
    Con la crecientes innovaciones y tecnologías aplicadas al diseño de productos, este curso ofrece herramientas y habilidades para vincularse con este sector y estar al día en sus actualizaciones. Además, los alumnos se forman de manera teórico práctico e intensivamente, en uno de los países líderes en la innovación sobre el diseño en tema de productos y servicios.
  • Dirigido a
    El Master in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - 1st Level Master Degree es ideal para personas relacionadas al diseño de productos, el marketing, la publicidad y la gestión y desarrollo de productos innovadores.
  • Empleabilidad
    Tras concluir el programa, IED garantiza a sus estudiantes una mejor empleabilidad en sectores relacionados al arte y el diseño de de objetos, así como en estrategias de innovación.
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Comentarios sobre Máster en Diseño - Innovación, Estrategia y Producto - Máster de 1º Nivel - Presencial - Milán - Italia

  • Contenido
    Master in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product - 1st Level Master Degree.

    Looking ahead into the future to train up leading design professionals of tomorrow.

    On campus

    Language: English
    Frequency: Full time
    Fruition: On campus
    Duration: 1 Year
    Credits: 60

    Bring your own cross-cutting and innovative critical thinking, with people and brand development strategy as the main focus. Here's what awaits you on the Master's Degree in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano.

    The Master's Degree in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano has a challenging mission: preparing a new generation of designers who are as forward-thinking as ever, focused on new project opportunities arising from innovation and turning into a vision.

    Along this learning path, you will produce design concepts consistent with market demands and the needs of both brands and consumers. You will look at different production systems and work with multiple design methods, contemporary styles and innovative solutions, using a multidisciplinary approach based on teamwork.

    Information to decide.

    Learn how to create visions, strategies and complete systems of brands, services and products.

    Methodology and structure.

    The Master's Degree in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano will take you into the heart of design methodology and critical thinking as you experiment and practice tools with hands-on projects.

    The special thing about this Master’s Degree is its brand-oriented approach, where typical project-based methods (discover/define/develop/deliver) are applied to business briefs and business strategies to solve problems in a positive and creative way. Your training experience will consist of classroom lessons, labs, workshop activities, conferences, seminars as well as first-hand contact with Italian and international companies or with representatives from the world of design, business and technology.

    Both your internship and your dissertation project will be key moments on your learning path. You will have the opportunity to gain professional experience upon completion of your study programme, sharing your personal strategic vision with a panel of professionals and experts from the design industry.
    This programme has a status recognised by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research as a Level I Academic Master's Degree. The internship is part of the overall study programme and can be carried out at design firms, consulting agencies or companies, or also within IED as a field project.

    Who is it for?

    The Master's Degree in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano is for students with an undergraduate degree in Design, Architecture or Engineering, either completed in Italy or abroad. Currently, candidates with degrees in other disciplines, such as Economics and Humanities, are also considered.

    This programme has complex and fluid structure. It is designed for students who want to enjoy an exciting experience where passion and first steps into a career path come together. As a result, students will experience a type of learning that has no equal in Italy, carrying out projects on brand development and experience design in a perfect strategic balance.

    This programme seeks to train up professionals with a solid background in innovation and design consulting. As such, they will be able to work with studios, agencies, companies, institutions, but also as self-producers or even set up their own business independently.
    A basic requirement is knowledge of techniques and practices involved in Design, which is to be demonstrated either with presentation of a work portfolio or on an interview with your Course Coordinator if you are coming from a background in non-design-related subject areas.

    Why choose it.

    The Master's Degree in Design - Innovation, Strategy and Product at IED Milano seeks to train up professionals who can continually self-reinvent and deal with multiple situations and challenges of growing complexity. Upon completion, you will come out as a designer with high-level skills to keep up with market demands and trends. Your knowledge of Product and Service Design will stand out for its cross-disciplinary approach.

    This Master's Degree will help you build up your own sense of identity and feel confident about your projects. This is what you will be learning on your internship as you take your first steps into the world of work. This 1-year experience will deeply change your mind and will encourage you to take new multidisciplinary perspectives as a way to face every challenge -whether known or not-with a clear focus: thinking strategically enough to have an impact on people's lives by providing innovative service or product.

    Yet another unique feature of this training compared to other Design Master's programmes is the level of partnership it enjoys with renowned firms sharing their values and expertise. Over the years, our Master's Degree has involved project cooperation with such brands as Ferrarelle, HiSense, Piaggio, Napapijri, Technogym, FIAM Italia, Ceres, Vitasnella, Vibram and many other European and global brands.


    Master Course Content

    Following a time of initial alignment for students, the programme will develop into two parts: a practical one, with real projects being carried out for a variety of brands, and a second, more theory-based one running in parallel, with business professionals, new technologies and communication tools working together to support all the projects. Your internship and dissertation project will be the most challenging part of the whole learning process. This will be a great opportunity for you to show and share your overall strategic development perspective.


    Design Methods
    Design Elements
    History and Culture


    Communication Lab
    Emergent Technologies
    Design Management


    Design 1
    Design 2
    Design 3
    Final Project


    Case Histories
    Onsite Visits
    Curricular Internship

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