Curso de "Organizational Behavior: Its Impact in Organizational Effectiveness"

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Curso de "Organizational Behavior: Its Impact in Organizational Effectiveness"

  • Contenido Curso de "Organizational Behavior: Its Impact on Organization Effectiveness"

    Código CEPADE: OB
    Código UPM: CF.05.0515.245
    Curso 2015-2016


    Organizational effectiveness depends largely on attitudes and behaviors of individual and groups that work on it. Employees act, individually and as a group, to meet organizational objectives as well as they are trying to meet their personal needs.
    To maximized organizational effectiveness, managers and leaders need to get a deep understanding of human behavior, personal traits, interpersonal relationships and interactions between individuals and groups.
    They also must know organizational behavior´s mechanisms and tools that help them to design the interventions needed to get the maximum of effectiveness of their organizations.

    Learning Outcomes:

    After completing the course you will be able to:
    • Identify the characteristics and mechanisms of organizations as complex systems, including three different dimensions; individual, group and organization.
    • Identify the roles, skills and personal characteristics that managers and leaders develop to produce the adaptive survival strategies of their organizations.
    • Understand the key organizational components of the “hard side” - organizational structure, processes and systems - and the “soft side” - culture, leadership and communication.
    • Comprehend the individual behavioral components – motivation, personal interests, values, personality traits and diversity - and their consequences – job satisfaction, stress and work and well-being.
    • Understand group behaviors, team development tools and their incidence in organizational knowledge.
    • Identify needs for change and transformational processes to increase organizational effectiveness.

    Course contents:

    1. Organizations as complex systems; introduction to organizational behavior, organizations and their environments, organizational structure, organizational culture, organizations as complex systems.
    2. Managerial roles and skills; managerial roles, managerial skills, the “4-looks model of business management” (a practical tool for assessing our management style), practical applications to the workplace.
    3. Individual behavior and underlying characteristics; individual behavior and performance, competencies, underlying characteristics, personality dimensions, values and beliefs, motives and interests, individual behavior change.
    4. Individual behavior in work settings; motivation at work, generation X & Y, motivational factors, diversity at work, job satisfaction, well-being and stress at work, power in organizations.
    5. Group behavior; group behavior and performance, groups in organizations, research and studies about groups, diversity in teams, virtual groups.
    6. Team building; teamwork in organizations, stages of team development, team effectiveness, collaboration and teaming.
    7. Leadership and coaching; introduction to leadership, leadership functions and styles, trust, power and other key new findings on leadership, coaching.
    8. “Hard” components of organizations; structuring organizations, different approaches in organization structures, designing organizational structures, planning, management control and information.
    9. “Soft” components of organizations; content and carriers of culture, understanding and exploring culture, culture creation and evolution.
    10. Change management; foundations of change management, individual and group behavior in change initiatives, comprehensive methodology for change.

    Academic Calendar:

    Quarterly course that is taught from March to June (during the Segundo Cuatrimestre).

    University credits:

    This course is worth 3 credits.  

    Lecturer/Assistant Professor


    Public Accountant – Universidad de Buenos Aires. Postgraduate Diploma in Organizational Behavior – University of London. Director of Centro de Desarrollo Gerencial de Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young. Senior instructor in open and “in-company” seminars in Argentine and Latin America for world-class companies, such as, Repsol, Telefonica, Banco Santander, etc. Senior consultant on Change Management and Human Resource.


    Ingeniera Industrial con la especialidad en Organización Industrial por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII), de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) y Máster en Logística y Organización Industrial, también por la ETSII de la UPM. Es profesora asociada en el Departamento de Organización, Administración de Empresas y Estadística de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, siendo su área de docencia los Recursos Humanos, la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y la Calidad. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en la dirección de equipos interprofesionales en el ámbito de las TIC, así como en la creación e impulsión de nuevos negocios. Ha desarrollado su carrera profesional trabajando para múltiples empresas.

    Course Methodology: 

    La metodología Didáctica de CEPADE, es Propia y Única. PPG: Práctica, Participativa, y Global.

    Práctica: Se basa en el método del caso.
    Participativa: El conocimiento de cada uno de los alumnos se contrasta con los de resto de participantes haciendo el aprendizaje colaborativo a través del Campus Virtual.
    Global: Ese aprendizaje Participativo, no sólo se comparte y adquiere con alumnos de España sino también con alumnos de hasta 40 países (aproximadamente el 40% de los alumnos son internacionales).

    En el Campus virtual de CEPADE un Profesor-Tutor, mantiene la documentación actualizada, resuelve las dudas, guía el aprendizaje y realiza la evaluación.

    Both the whole course documentation and the monitoring of the tutorials along with the final exam will be conducted in English. The level required is Advanced.

    The course provides a learning methodology that provides practical tools for learning and transferring it to work environment. Participants will receive the “Study Guide” at the beginning of the course, which will help them to acquire learning in an effective way and transfer their knowledge to work environment. The methodology includes:
    - Case studies, self-assessment tests, individual exercises, conceptual discussions, group discussions, analysis of problems and decision making discussions.


    Documentación en Formato Digital.


    General de CEPADE:

    En cada curso se utilizan como instrumentos de evaluación los siguientes:

    Ejercicios de Repaso. Son ejercicios de autoevaluación, que permiten al alumno comprobar que va adquiriendo los conocimientos marcados al comienzo de cada Unidad.
    Cuestionarios de Control. Son ejercicios que se evalúan y preparan al alumno de cara al examen presencial.
    Casos prácticos.
    Examen final presencial. De 1 hora de duración, en cada Cuatrimestre. Con caracter general se permite disponer de la documentación durante la realización del mismo. El alumno tiene derecho a dos convocatorias de examen por cada curso. El aprobado es imprescindible para obtener los créditos correspondientes al CERTIFICADO DE APTITUD.

    Específica del curso:

    La evaluación específica de cada curso, la marca el profesor en la "Guía de Estudio" que reciben los alumnos al inicio del mismo. Con caracter general se valora la participación en el Campus Virtual y la nota del examen presencial.

Otra formación relacionada con gestión de personal