Spanish Course - Initial Level

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Camilo Calad

Camilo Calad

Spanish Course - Initial Level

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Spanish Course - Initial Level del Centro Mi Otro Idioma se imparte de modo presencial.
  • Número de horas
    La duración de este Curso de nivel Inicial se debe consultar en la institución.
  • Titulación oficial
    Pedir esta información en el centro educativo.
  • Valoración del programa
    El estudio del idioma español en la organización Mi Otro Idioma, se presenta como una excelente opción, pues además de la enseñanza del idioma, el centro ofrece un hostel en el cual podrán hospedarse los estudiantes extranjeros llegados a la ciudad de Córdoba. Este "Spanish Course - Initial Level" de Mi Otro Idioma, se centra en brindar una introducción básica al idioma que le permita comprender y comenzar a hacerse entender oralmente. Los cursos reciben un máximo de 6 alumnos, lo que permite supervisar cuidadosamente los progresos individuales de cada persona.
  • Dirigido a
    Está dirigido a todo tipo de personas cuyo idioma nativo no es el español.
  • Empleabilidad
    Lo aprendido en este curso le facilita al estudiante el mejor entendimiento del entorno y el comienzo de la comunicación oral mediante la utilización del castellano.
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Comentarios sobre Spanish Course - Initial Level - Presencial - Córdoba Capital - Córdoba

  • Contenido

    Initial Level: First steps into the Spanish Language, where a global knowledge of the language is acquired. This will help to understand other people and to be understood.

    The excellence in learning Spanish as a second language is the premise of MI OTRO IDIOMA. That is why we have decided to reduce the class sizes in every group from 8 to 6 students. In this way, we have managed to achieve a more personalized student – professor relationship.

    Our team will evaluate your Spanish skills, from your first contact via internet with us, until an evaluation test the first day of class to know the level that you should choose.

    All group classes are 20 hours a week, and 4 hours of class a day.

    We have 2 shifts from which you can choose:

    In the mornings: from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
    In the afternoons: from 1 pm to 5 pm

    Each class is divided into 2 blocks. In the first part we revise all forms of grammar, reading of texts and their analysis, etc.

    After a small break we start the second block, where we practice conversation, pronunciation, debates and projection of videos. We also have alternative activities such as simulation of radio shows, cooking typical argentine food and city tours, where students face real life situations.

    The personalized modality is very similar to the group one. It changes in terms of duration of the class, with 15 hours a week divided into 3 hours a day. This will give you a more direct relationship with your teacher.

    Prices 2009-2010

    The prices of the courses,include: Teaching material


                                                          Certificate of study

    Does not it include: Alternatives activities

                                 Classes of Tango,Salsa,Aero-Gim

                                Causes expenses in educational visit

                                City-Tour out of Cordoba city


    Inscription to course                                                                   US$ 50.ºº         € 35.ºº

    Courses per week

    Weekly intensive course grupal/20hs week                               US$  145.ºº       €  100.ºº

    weekly intensive course indiv/15hs week                                  US$  195.ºº       €  135.ºº

    Super intensive weekly course grupal 30 hs week                    US$  230.ºº       €  159.ºº

    Organization of Pasantías (ad Honorem)                                   US$  350.ºº       €  242.ºº

    Organization of Voluntary Works                                               US$  300.ºº       €  208.ºº

Opiniones (1)

Profesores (5)
Atención al alumno (5)
Temario (5)
Material (5)
Instalaciones (5)

Atención al alumno

Un curso muy completo con profesores muy amables.

Antonella Rivas

Spanish Course - Initial Level - Octubre 2011

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Otra formación relacionada con español para extranjeros

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