Curso de English Pre-Intermediate Block 6 - A Distancia

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Comentarios sobre Curso de English Pre-Intermediate Block 6 - Online

  • Prácticas
    Con una teoría sencilla se aprende gracias a las simulaciones, mediante el uso de nuestra metodología “leer poco” y “practicar lo aprendido”, además de preguntas durante el curso, tests auto evaluativos y ejercicio práctico (simulado) al finalizar cada lección. Se utiliza una metodología basada en el mínimo esfuerzo en lectura y el máximo en practicar lo aprendido de forma creciente, utilizando conceptos vistos con anterioridad.
  • Titulación
    Se recibe un certificado vía web.
  • Contenido
    English Pre-Intermediate Block 6 With these levels you will be introduced to the English language and you will be able to give your first steps in English. You will start building sentences in English and keeping conversations. You will be able to read a poster, ask for directions, take a taxi or to know how to perform very well in a hotel or a restaurant when you travel to a foreign country. If you are not going to go out to a foreign country at the moment, you will be able to read a newspaper or pages from the internet in English, with a good understanding level. --TRANSLATED-- Con estos niveles te introducirás en la lengua inglesa y podrás dar los primeros pasos en inglés. Empezarás a construir frases en inglés y mantener conversaciones. Podrás leer un cartel, pedir una dirección, coger un taxi o saber desenvolverte en un hotel o restaurante cuando viajes al extranjero. Si no vas a salir al extranjero de momento, podrás leer un periódico o páginas de internet en inglés, con un buen nivel de comprensión.

    Saying goodbye to the band Part 1 Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone. Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as. Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.

    Saying goodbye to the band Part 2 Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone. Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as. Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.

    Saying goodbye to the band Part 3 Functions: Making predictions. Making offers. Comparing things. Talking on the phone. Grammar: Future simple: will / won?t. Comparative: as ... as. Vocabulary: Telephone expressions. Verbs.

    Getting married Part 1 Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions. Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective. Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.

    Getting married Part 2 Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions. Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective. Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.

    Getting married Part 3 Functions: Changing money. Making offers. Comparing. Talking about future plans and intentions. Expressing sudden decisions. Grammar: Present continuous with future reference vs. Future simple. Shall I ...? Comparative form of the adjective. Vocabulary: Weddings. Adjectives.

    A new barman Part 1 Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport. Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun. Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.

    A new barman Part 2 Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport. Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun. Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.

    A new barman Part 3 Functions: Expressing purpose. Checking in at the airport. Grammar: To + infinitive vs. For + noun. Vocabulary: Confusing verbs. Feelings. Illness.

    Dreaming of becoming famous Part 1 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    Dreaming of becoming famous Part 2 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

    Dreaming of becoming famous Part 3 This lesson provides a choice of revision or extension activities.

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